

Problem-led change management consultant driven to provide client value.

Outside the Box


Going from a top 10 UK poker professional to a problem-led innovation consultant may sound peculiar, but my strengths are interpersonal skills, character judgement, and understanding of risk. Then when it is time, I deliver decisive action.

I specialise in supporting organisations that are improvement-focused. When an organisation seeks outside help, there is no greater responsibility and adventure than establishing a trusting relationship with that client quickly and then working to exceed their expectations.

Recent Project

Armed Forces Basic Training


Working with an Armed Forces branch, I supported a large project on improving basic training. Many solutions had potential, but there was a general lack of focus and direction. Over a short engagement using various Agile and Lean tools and practices, I highlighted three key solution pathways.


£40m saved over ten years in reduced training fees due to policy change identified by lean discovery interviews. This efficiency was implemented over a relatively short period (20-week engagement) with little funding required.


Further work will add to this saving substantially as another policy change has been driven through by our work with the team, as well as the release of a booking app to drive down absenteeism.

Skills & Experience

Previously of BMNT Ltd.

Senior Consultant & Team Lead

Lean, Design Thinking, Agile, & Change Management

My approach involves identifying customer archetypes and building solid relationships to offer a bespoke service. So whether you know your problem or need discovery, I can help you succeed.

Navigating Hierarchy

I have delivered tangible results in the most hierarchical organisational structures using a solution-agnostic hybrid of LEAN and AGILE methodologies.

As a senior consultant with a naval branch of the armed services, I supported a cross-functional team with a prioritised basic training problem. In eight months, the trajectory of the results predicted future savings of £40 million over ten years.


BA Hons : Actuarial Maths and Statistics
Advanced Highers : Maths, Chemistry
Highers : Inc. English and Accounting & Finance

I look forward to Working with you


BurrComb is a not-for-profit subsidary of Firmitude CIC 
Company #11711374